A downloadable game

Purged Grief

Purged grief is a game. Which... should be obvious, I hope.
It's a prototype for a short-story souls-like adventure, and is our end-of year project between a group of five game design students.


This game is pre-alpha, also known as a prototype. I wouldn't even consider releasing this in early access it's so early in development. It's far from perfect, but we at Badger Studios spent a lot of time on it!
The final view for the game would be a boss rush with linear progression and six enemies, as well as a number of mechanics for souls-like combat:

  • Dodging
  • parrying
  • engaging and multi-paced combat
  • bosses that inspire a player to approach a situation with a creative mindset
  • nuanced characters and (hopefully!) interesting worldbuilding


Currently, the game possesses one level, containing the player, movement, attacks, a lock on, and a basic dummy to attack and die to.

The Team.

We at Badger Studios are a team of five students in our last year of college.
Ben, our long suffering team leader and texture artist. He's may be perpetually tired, but he knows what he's doing. Or I hope so anyway.
Dawid, who I'm not entirely certain isn't a machine, because he cranks out the 3D environments like a machine. Spawned the idea for the initial game!
Jed, our even longer suffering coder. The number of bugs he's squashed could fill an anthill.
Adam, the audio designer.
And me, Kassandra, the artist and story writer. I just kinda exist. Most of what I do is behind the scenes currently lol.

We hope you enjoy our demo!


PGBuild.zip 64 MB

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